How to make Piggy's Page your home page
- For Internet Explorer users, click this link: Make Homepage
- Firefox users drag this link to the home button in your browser:
- If you are using any other browser, follow the instructions on Google's Make Homepage, but instead of using use
Hot keys & tips for quicker web surfing
First, practice using the numeric keypad to access your favorites. It only takes a few times to get comfortable doing this and you will save a lot of time and effort throughout your internet surfing experience. If you don't have a numeric keypad there two other options which act as numeric keypads:
Second, try learning some of the hot keys for moving between web pages. For example, on Internet explorer:
- Alt + Home takes you to your home page
- Alt + Left Arrow is like pressing the back button
- Alt + Right Arrow is like pressing the forward button
If you are having trouble getting the weather to find your city try following these steps to search By "Where On Earth ID" (woeid). To find your woeid, browse or search for your city from Yahoo Weather page. The woeid is in the URL for the forecast page for that city. You can also get the woeid by entering your zip code on that page. For example, if you "Change location" for Sunnyvale, the forecast page for that city is The woeid is 2502265. Once you have your woeid, when you search for weather on piggy's page enter: WOEID: #######. Replace the pound signs with your woeid.